RSA Authentication Manager SMS dispatch

LOX24 SMS integrates seamlessly with RSA SecurID, a leading identity and access management platform, providing a secure and convenient way to verify users via SMS.

When a user needs to authenticate, the RSA Authentication Manager sends a unique token code and a cell phone number to LOX24, which sends the code to the user’s cell phone via SMS. The user then enters the code into the agent’s prompt and authentication is complete. The configuration is simple and includes setting up token code delivery via SMS, SMS provider configuration and SMS HTTP configuration.

How to send SMS with the RSA Authentication Manager

The SMS HTTP plug-in is configured in the RSA Authentication Manager security console. The
Configuration page has three sections:
– Token code delivery via SMS
– SMS provider configuration
– SMS HTTP proxy configuration (optional)

Token code delivery by SMS

RSA Authentication Manager token code delivery settings

Under “User Attribute to Provide SMS Destination”, select “Mobile Number”. Set the “Default country code” with your most common country code. For Germany, for example, +49. For the SMS plugin, select HTTP.

SMS Provider Configuration

Next, we set up the LOX24 SMS for RSA SecurID.

RSA SMS settings

  • The base URL is:
  • Certificates: You can download the certificates using your browser or via this link. Please note that the certificates are updated every year.
  • HTTP method, select GET.
  • For the parameters, enter the following: account=$cfg.user&password=$cfg.password&service=XXX&text=$msg.message&from=YYYY&to=$msg.address
  • You can find the parameter for Service (XXX) in the dashboard of your web account, in each case for Direct, Text2Speech, Economy or Pro
  • You can enter your sender in the From (YYY) parameter. This may be max. 11 characters of text or a phone number with up to 15 digits. If the text contains special characters or spaces, the text must be URL-encoded.
  • Account User Name enter your LOX24 customer number. You can also use this to log in to our website.
  • Account Password enter an API Key v1. You can create the API Key v1 in the web account under Settings and API Settings.

Create API key for RSA

  • Set the connection timeout to “5000”.
  • Success Response Code enter “100”.
  • Response Format, also enter “100”.
Element Description
LOX24 customer number which is also used for the login.
API key in version 1 which you can create in the web account.
Value from the user database to define the target number.
Text of the on-demand token code
Sender identification. Can be 11 characters of text or 15 digits of phone number.
Receiving SMS Verification Code from RSA SecurID

Advantages of sending RSA SMS with LOX24

The RSA SecurID Suite helps organizations of all sizes reduce identity risk and ensure compliance without compromising user productivity. It grants users the right access and verifies their identity via SMS in a modern and user-friendly way. In addition, the RSA SecurID Suite provides unified visibility and control over the various aspects of identity within the organization.

The LOX24 SMS API is a powerful and reliable solution for sending SMS messages. With the LOX24 SMS API you can connect your RSA Authentication Manager to the LOX24 SMS Gateway and send SMS for verification worldwide. The LOX24 SMS API offers you the following advantages:

  • You benefit from high availability, quality and speed of SMS transmission.
  • You pay low prices without fixed costs or hidden fees.
  • We fulfill the requirements of German data protection law, as all servers are located in Germany,
  • You receive real-time statistics and delivery reports for your SMS messages.

The LOX24 SMS API is therefore an ideal choice for anyone looking for a simple, secure and cost-effective way to send SMS messages with RSA.

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With LOX24's filter functions you can limit your costs and protect yourself against attacks and malfunctions. It is an insurance for your SMS dispatch, no matter if you send your SMS via API or another gateway.

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